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Employee Spotlight: Quentin M.

Patient Care Technician III Preceptor

Quentin is a Vital Part of Fresenius Kidney Care

Why do you enjoy being a PCT III Preceptor?

Because it gives me the opportunity to give the new hires a fair chance to learn the job expectation correctly in real time.

How do patient interactions add value to your work?

Patient interaction is key in building interpersonal relationships. By building these relationships trust is established; when trust is established, I can cater to improving their life and perspective of dialysis. If successfully done, understanding our job and their expectations will be understood.

What are some of the lessons you've learned while working for Fresenius Kidney Care?

The lesson I have learned is that life is precious! Health is essential! Freedom is a privilege and all of these can be affected by dialysis. So I try to shine empathy, compassion and concern to my patients.

Sharing His Knowledge with the Next Generation of Dialysis Caregivers

In addition to his dedication to his patients as a vital part of Fresenius Kidney Care, Quentin is also committed to educating the next generation of dialysis patient care technicians. Quentin is also an adjunct faculty member at his local community college where he teaches an introductory course on dialysis. Drawing from his own experiences as a patient care technician, Quentin educates his students on the treatment process, patients' access to care and the fundamental elements of dialysis treatment. Once his students complete the six week course, they are eligible to gain 56 hours of clinical experience inside the Fresenius Kidney Care clinic where Quentin also works caring for patients. After completion of 56 clinical hours, students have hands-on experience setting up dialysis equipment and a deeper understanding of the treatment process and the daily operations of a dialysis clinic. To date, five of Quentin's students have gone on to also become a vital part of Fresenius Kidney Care.